The Mobile VINN Excellence Centre
Mobile Life’s research found its base in design-led exploration of novel technology. We envisioned an enjoyment society, where happiness, pleasure and playfulness are key factors. The technology trend that supported this was the emerging consumer-oriented Internet of Things (IoT). To map out and understand this future development, the centre performed strategic innovation by collaboratively creating and evaluating enjoyment services that will make the vision of an enjoyment society a reality.
The Mobile Life VINN Excellence Centre was formed in 2007 and closed down in March 2017. During these years the Centre established itself as an internationally recognised research locus in the area of mobile services. The centre operated as a joint venture between its research partners, industrial partners and public sector partners with funding from the Swedish governmental funding agency VINNOVA.
At its peak the Centre hosted about 46 researchers in the facilities, exploring experiential, leisure and playful mobile and ubiquitous interactions. The research was conducted in interdisciplinary groups, involving researchers from computer science, interaction design, sociology, psychology but also from game design, art, dance, and fashion. The Centre’s competitive edge lied in making serious research on what we might normally portray as “unserious” activities in collaboration with its partners Ericsson, Microsoft Research, IKEA, ABB, Nokia, Telia Company, Company P, Sony Ericsson, Bambuser, Rebel & Bird, Ziggy creative colony, Sparbanken Rekarne, Slagkryssaren and Stockholm City. We also had great support for our innovations and spin-offs from STING and Kista Science City.
We are very proud to have worked with all these highly skilled and fantastic people in the partner companies and organisations and look forward to more collaboartions in future projects.
Thank you!
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